Sunday, December 17, 2006

Worlds collide

There's this great little store where I pick up a bagel and a chai some mornings after I drop off the girls. The lovely women who work there mostly see me in my (somewhat) put together work self. I mean, I wear jeans most days, so it's not like I'm all dressed up, but at least my make-up is on straight and my hair is combed.

Today I had to have a chai - theirs is truly the best there is and puts Starbucks to shame in my opinion. Grace thinks it's a huge treat to go there, so I loaded up the girls and off we went, me in my sweatshirt from yesterday and a baseball hat, Lauren with a booger right under her nose. (Which I only discovered at the exact moment that I ran into someone we knew.)

Going to Froehlich's with the girls was kind of like that Seinfeld episode where George complains about worlds colliding; you know, there's the work/public you and then there's the mom you. It's the same person, but not exactly.

The Froehlich's girls seemed tickled to see my girls and Colleen, the owner, even came out from the back to see where the little voices were coming from. It was a very sweet outing, but I kind of feel like I let them see behind the curtain. Like now they will know that I'm not that super sophisticated chick in jeans, but rather a woman who is getting a back problem from carrying around a 22 pound baby who can't walk. Although, I'm pretty sure they never thought I was super sophisticated to begin with, so what am I worrying about?

Oh, and if you're ever in Three Oaks be sure to stop by Froehlich's. You won't be disappointed. And if it so happens that they have chocolate danish that day, consider yourself very lucky.


Corie said...

Hey, I was at Froehlichs about 4 years ago... we parked our car in Three Oaks and went biking, my treat a the end of our 15mi ride was to scarf-down some goodies there.

Lucky you to get to go there weekly!

Two Job Mama said...

This is a comment from my lovely cousin-in-law Mary, who's a new mom in South Carolina. She asked me to post this comment from her:

(By the way, Rapmaster MC is the nickname I gave her daughter that Mary is gracious enough to both laugh at and keep using)

"I am a stay at home mom and it is the hardest job I have ever had! I love every minute of it but find myself sometimes wishing for some outside contact. I think staying at home with Rapmaster is right for us at the moment but who knows what the future holds. I do get a chance to watch a couple of morning shows and a hot topic now a days is working mom vs. stay at home mom. I find this a bit offensive. In my opinion we are all moms and we are all doing our best. Why is this such a big deal? No one is the same and what works for me might not work for someone else. Does that make me wrong....or her wrong? I think not! What it boils down to is that if working outside the home during the day is best for you then it is best for the family and same goes for stay at home moms. At the end of the day we are all moms just the same and should stick together no matter what our days hold. Because "if mama ain't happy....ain't nobody happy!"