Thursday, December 7, 2006

Day Two

5:45 am - Get up and shower before kids wake up. I have a client meeting today that's a 3-hour drive away. I have to leave the house by 7:15.
6:45 am - Baby wakes up. Make bottle, feed and dress her, warn hubby to get up and take a shower before I leave.
6:58 am - Grace wakes up. Moans and rolls on the floor.
7:05 am - I'm coaxing Grace into her clothes while the baby tries to eat the furniture in her big sister's doll house.
7:13 am - Turn the kids over to hubby, head downstairs to get coat on and move car seats out of my car and into the Suburban. Grace is crying, "I want mama" while hubby calmly leads her into the bathroom to do her hair. Bless him.
7:18 - Pull out of driveway into a pitch dark, freezing cold morning. Head to office to pick up company car and hit the road.
11:00 - Arrive at client's office and have meeting #1.
12:30 - Head out lunch, but I'm about ready to pass out from hunger. My morning bagel does not exactly tide me over through a 3-hour drive and 90 minute meeting about commercial door locks. Plus, there was a detour to the restaurant that added about 20 minutes onto our travel time, which was great.
2:00 - Back to client's office for meeting #3
3:15 - Begin meeting #3
4:30 - Back on the road home. Stop for extremely satisfying dinner at McDonald's - is it just me, or do they have the best Coke on earth?
8:00 - Get home, read The Grinch for the ninth time in four days (complete with authentic Grinchy voice).
8:45 - Both kids in bed, hubby engrossed in Brokeback Mountain. I want a jacuzzi, but I have to wait for Grace to fall asleep or the noise of the tub freaks her out and she gets out of bed. So I watch reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond instead (which reminds me of my life in many ways, only my mother-in-law is a lot nicer). Start falling asleep.
9:45 - Hubby fills up the tub; we stay in for a very long time, bccoming very relaxed and very pruney
11:00 - Crash

Long day, but I did get a pretty good lunch.

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