Monday, December 18, 2006

Have you ever...

gone to work just so you could relax?

wrapped Christmas presents on your desk because by the time you get the kids to bed you're too tired to do it at home?

told your child that she didn't have to brush her teeth before bed because you just could not deal with the lengthy process of squirting the toothpaste onto a teeny tiny brush, waiting patiently while she spits about umpteen times during brushing, then carefully selects just the right Chicken Little dixie cup for the final rinse before spilling the water out of the cup onto the front of her pajamas?

left your kids at daycare a little longer so you could go home and take a nap?

told your kids that the playground was closed?

put your kids to bed at 6:30 and told them it was really late (because, heck, it's been dark since 4:30 anyway - what do they know)?

had to leave the room because your kid did something totally inappropriate for which you should scold them, but instead you are about to laugh hysterically because it was so damn funny?

let your kid wear the same thing to school two days in a row because it was just easier?

sat in the rocking chair holding the baby long after you should have put her down just because she's so soft and snuggly and she never sits still in your lap any other time?

wished you could bring your dog to a restaurant to clean up?

wished curses on the heads of the people at the Barbie factory for putting nine zillion metal twist-ties around her limbs?

found yourself sitting there watching Franklin for several minutes after the kids have left the room?

caught yourself at work humming something like dumb, like "It's so Cozy to Ride in a Dump Truck?"

wondered how in the world - how? - did you come to find yourself with these children? These children who depend on you and love you and think you know everything and are so happy to see you all the time, and who you can't resist looking at one more time before you go to bed even though, about two hours ago, you thought you might kill them?


Ktmac said...

Time and Time again.

Becca said...

I'm online trying to find an album with the dumptruck song!! So funny you wrote about it...