Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I love a fresh start!

Okay, I have been lax beyond belief in keeping up with my posts. I doubt all three of you are suffering without updates on my life, but now that a fresh school year is upon us I feel like it's time for a fresh start to blogging. It's a somewhat cathartic exercise to write. But given my innate slacker nature, hectic work schedule over the summer and my general tendency to procrastinate (is that the same or different than being a slacker?), I haven't gotten around to doing it. The funny thing is that there have been countless times I've thought to myself: "self, this would be great for the blog!" It's just getting around to writing it down that's been holding things up.

But a new school year is a new start. I always loved that first page of a new notebook. I'd imagine all the things I'd write in it and run my hand across the perfectly smooth page with anticipation. Part of the fun was never knowing exactly what you would write. And that's part of the fun here. I intended my blog to be about life as a working mom. But the truth is that my brain jumps around way too much to focus on just that topic, so you lucky few readers will be getting treated to more randomness than I originally intended. I hope you are also more entertained. Because that's what good writing does. It entertains and it allows us to see ourselves in someone else, and then we feel connected. Getting connected is good for the soul.

I'm aiming for once a week. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Welcome back. I've missed your posts. Really.