Monday, October 6, 2008

Gratitude and grossitude.

The first 24 hours of my experiment have been remarkable. First off, I got two completely unexpected and wonderful letters from good friends telling me that they were glad I'm in their life. Thanks to both of you - you never know if you've made an impact in someone's life and it's overwhelmingly nice to hear that you have.

Secondly, saying thank you has made me feel good. I know... that's not exactly a revelation, especially if you like Oprah and self-help books. But it has. And I've realized that one of the most important people to say thank you to is my husband. Like any relationship, it's easy to notice the little things that annoy you and not always so easy to focus on the little things that make your life easier. Taking the time to actually mention the good little things makes the others kind of disappear.

And now for a little grossitude.

Last night I let my dog in to eat his dinner and noticed that he had some...ahem.... poop hanging from his butt. Luckily I had some rubber gloves nearby from a wood staining project. Turns out, I think he ate a dryer sheet. You can probably put together the rest. Seriously, I almost puked.


Unknown said...

...A dryer sheet! Hilarious. Not for you, of course. But, for all of us that like "real" life stories. I still love the one where Grace went into the coffee shop with you, pointed at the chocolate peanut clusters in the window and said "Mom- those look like poops!" lol

Anonymous said...

I can't get that image out of my mind thank you very much. But on the other hand it is hilarious. What scares me is that one day I may come home and find my Jack Russell scooting his bottom, as he does so often around on my carpet with a dryer sheet in tow. So think about the mess that would be... consider yourself lucky. Thanks for sharing