Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whaddya mean there's no pasta?

We have these friends who are vegetarians and we've gone with them to a lot of banquet-style functions where you have to choose your meal ahead of time. Inevitably I find myself feeling a little jealous of their fettucine alfredo or delicious-looking ravioli while I am working my way through a somewhat taste-free piece of chicken or an overcooked steak. And why do they always put the steak on top of the potatoes, then cover it with sauce so that your potatoes look like they're covered in liquid rust?

These friends and their delicious vegetarian dinners came back to me several weeks ago when I had to choose my entree for an upcoming wedding. At the time I was still in the throes of ongoing nausea and feeling fairly meat-averse. So I picked the filet for Chad and I chose the vegetarian dinner, looking forward to a lovely plate of pasta on the big day.

Here's what I got: a mound of brick-like mashed potatoes in the center of the plate, surrounded by asparagus (hate it - gave it to Chad), broccoli (hate it more - gave it to Heidi), cauliflower (kind of blends in with the potatoes) and zucchini/squash (had potential).

It was a plate of side dishes.

No pasta.

Heidi and Chad shared their steaks with me. They were delicious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha- you're funny! I think wedding food is most always a catch 22. At least you had two people's plate to eat off of!