Monday, December 17, 2007

When it's 3:45 am and your baby is calling "mommy, mommy, mommy" in a loud, yet disoriented, voice, and you have to force yourself out from under your deliciously warm blankets for the third night in a row remember:

It's good to be loved.

At 6:18 pm, when everyone is hungry - including you - and your children are literally hanging on your legs and your dogs are wagging their tails eagerly awaiting their own dinner (and even the cat is meowing at you in a very demanding manner) remember:

It's good to be loved.

When you are attempting to go to the bathroom all by yourself, but your littlest one insists on actually sitting on your lap while you poop remember:

It's good to be loved.

When all you want is to stretch out on your belly and hang your arm off the side of the bed, but your husband wants to snuggle up like spoons, even though he will fall asleep before you and give you a heat stroke remember:

It's good to be loved.

When you're just trying to watch a movie and your child headbutts you in the mouth, splitting open both your upper and lower lips, but all they're really trying to do is settle in more comfortably on your lap remember:

It's good to be loved.

When you're trying to go out to dinner and you're leaving your children with a babysitter they adore, yet they still get weepy and beg you not to leave, and pull on your arm and insist on giving you a hug with hands enrobed in ranch dressing remember:

It's good to be loved.

When you are exhausted from a long day doing two jobs that you love and you walk into your childrens' bedrooms for one last kiss of their soft, sweet cheeks and one final covering with the blanket, and you know that you are blessed beyond measure by your strong, healthy, funny, happy children remember:

It's good to be loved.


Corie said...

You are so very right. It is good to be loved. ;-)

Ktmac said...

When your two year old son pees THROUGH the toilet & the toilet seat! It is so good to be loved.

wildfire said...

Love this one Heather!! Thanks for the reminders! ;)

wildfire said...

Here's another one:

It's Monday morning and your oldest is coming up with every sickness in the book to try to stay home from school...
it's good to be loved!
