Thursday, December 13, 2007

On the road again.

One of the great things about my job is that I don't have to do a lot of overnight travel. When I do have to travel overnight I luxuriate in the perfectly organized quiet of my hotel room. I browse the on-demand movies and weigh the benefits of choosing my own movie against the glory of an evening spent reading without interruption.

But that kind of travel doesn't come up very often and, truthfully, I'm glad. Because usually I spend about 10 minutes on the aforementioned luxuriating, and the rest of the time I'm either conking out at 9:30 in front of Law & Order or wondering what to do with no one to tuck into bed but myself.

I do, however, do a fair amount of day travel. What I love about day travel is that I get to have some of the good stuff about traveling and still sleep in my own bed. I might get a great lunch. I can listen to a book on tape while I drive. I get a dose of the juice that comes from a great presentation or an exciting new project discussion, and then get myself on home. And if I'm really lucky I get home AFTER bedtime.

The house is quiet. The kids are nestled all snug in their beds. The dogs are walked. All I have to do is kiss a couple of foreheads, maybe hit the jacuzzi and get to bed. What's more, everyone who's awake is delighted to see me. My dogs rush to my side and nuzzle their heads into my lap as I sink into the couch and flex my ankles. My husband gives me a kiss and a hug and asks about my day. And I can actually answer him.

Once in a while my homecoming sets off a karmic disturbance and Lauren will wake up suddenly, weepy and a little confused. Then I get to tiptoe up the stairs in my nice clothes, lift her sleep-warmed body out of her crib and settle into the rocking chair for a sweet snuggle. It's as if I'm the queen of a soft, warm and quiet little kingdom and my subjects need nothing more than to bury their head in my neck to set the world back to rights.

The funny thing is that even though I've enjoyed the rush of a great meeting and (hopefully) the pleasure of an adult lunch, I've also missed my girls. Secretly I'm happy when they rustle awake, that their subconscious minds know I'm home, but just need to check to make sure. It's these moments that remind me that I truly do have it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so so sweet. I love your line about you being the queen of a soft, warm and quiet little kingdom. Precious.