Thursday, December 6, 2007

What did you say?

Me: So remember Grace, you don't have piano today so take the bus to Miss Penny's.

Grace: But I haaate the bus!

Me: You love the bus.

Grace: No I don't because I have to sit by Dylan and he smells like poop!

Me: Oh. Well. I wouldn't like that either. (impressive bit of wisdom there, eh?)


Grace: Mom, I had a nightmare it was REALLY scary!

Me: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. What was it about?

Grace: A mean lady came into our classroom and turned everyone into a salad and then ate us! It was so scary!

Me:(nothing. I had to bite my lip and turn my head to keep from laughing)


Me: Lauren, do you want some milk.

Lauren: yeah

Me: Lauren, let's put on your shoes.

Lauren: yeah

Me: Lauren, are you opposed to President Bush's stance on the Kyoto Treaty?

Lauren: yeah


Anonymous said...

Heather! I'm so happy to see that you have returned to your blog. I love your stories. : )

Ktmac said...
