Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yes, he really did say that.

The setting: my kitchen this morning - I'm getting breakfast for the girls and Chad is pouring coffee for himself.

Chad: You know honey, you're looking kind of big.

Me: I know, but could you just not mention it? I mean, I realize I'm pregnant and this is normal and everything... but, you know, even people who really should not make a comment at all feel like they can say something, so I'd really rather not have you say anything about it, okay?

Chad: I know honey, but I live with you and I was just wondering....

Me: What?

Chad: Well, if you have four more months to go.... are you going to need a cane to walk by the end?!


Unknown said...

LOL! Love it. Jonathan's comment is, "Sweetie- your'e lookin pretty round! Good job!" haha ...like I have any choice in the matter.

Ktmac said...

Only one question . . . how badly did you hurt him??

Corie said...

maybe he would need a cane to walk after you threw the toaster at his head....

Two Job Mama said...

This is where it turns out that I'm the perfect match for Chad because, to tell you the truth, I thought it was hilarious!

Ktmac said...

You finding that funny doesn't surprise me at all! Miss you!