Friday, November 7, 2008

Some people never go out of style.

It's no big secret that I love clothes and shoes. What girl doesn't? As I get older I find it hard to hit just the right note - not too juvenile, not too matronly. I want to look good and stay current, but not like I'm trying too hard. You know what I mean.... the cleavage, the nails, the highlights, the clothes just a little too tight? The skirt that was really meant for a 16-year-old? One too many pieces featuring shimmer/animal print/denim? Also, I occassionally have to visit clients who have a slightly less.... creative... environment than I normally spend my day in.

I'm sure I'm not alone on my quest for timeless style. Make that timeless style that doesn't look like what everyone else bought at the mall. I'm guessing I'm also not alone in my continuous quest for ideas and tips on how to make it happen. That's one of the reasons I love the blog Omiru. It's kind of a weird name, but they have great ideas for how to put together really fun, fresh and simple outfits. As a working mom, simple is a huge deal. I mean, who can grocery shop in 6 inch heels and stacked bangle bracelets? I love their posts on re-creating the look of stars/people with great style.

As for the shopping piece of it, one of my favorites is Boden. They're pricing is about like J. Crew, not too cheap but not out-of-range expensive either. They're clothes are fun and creative and everything I've bought from them I have fallen in love with immediately.

One of my other best resources is What Not to Wear. This may be the greatest concept for a TV show ever invented. (Besides Lost, which is a whole different post.) If I could actually get a job hosting that show I would drop everything I am doing and run to NYC. These people have the most super fun job on earth. I mean, how many times have you wanted to pull someone over on the street and just say, "Honey, what kind of pants are you wearing?! Let me help you!"

But I have to confess: Sometimes all my logic gets the best of me.

Exhibit A:

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