But I'm tired. I've been up too late all week. And I'm going crazy. My kids are actually making me go crazy.
It all started out sort of okay. Grace got on her new bike to go pick up the mail, a small voyage of independence and pride. The baby napped. Lauren watched a movie. When Grace got back she brought the mail upstairs to the baby's room, where I was, I don't know.... doing baby stuff. In a flurry of nonstop, excited chatter she dumped the mail on the bedroom floor, sorting it into piles and opening "two things from Auntie Meg, mommy!" Then she ran out of the room, on to the next thing, and the mail was left behind. But now I know what I was doing - feeding the baby via her G-tube while she slept so that she doesn't miss a meal, or the calories that go with it. They measure these things like Nazis and while I may not get everything right, this is one that counts so here I am.
Hours later my nerves are frayed by a nuclear meltdown over a t-shirt for this picture:
And this was just Sunday afternoon, an improvement over Saturday if that's possible.
Now I'm in the bathroom with my littlest peanut in the tub and Grace comes in to tell me something. I listen. Then calmly ask her to please get the mail out of the baby's room and take that, and her backpack, downstairs. Put the mail on the table. Backpack by the front door.
She says, "no."
No? No!? What? Are you freaking kidding me?
I went all the way to the edge of crazy in that minute, telling her in a voice just short of a yell that she had better get the mail off the floor and down to the kitchen this minute and she'd better not come back into that bathroom because I. have. had. enough.
Fast forward to nearly dinnertime. I'm in a clean outfit that is just a variation on the previous one minus the baby pee. My hair is still gross. My heels are starting to look like I've walked a thousand miles barefoot. My acne is still happening. But thankfully the older girls are outside playing together peacefully. I see them from the upstairs porch, rounding the fence at the end of the driveway to play under the neighbor's tree, creating an imaginary world that is theirs alone. The sunlight is golden and warm, the breeze just a whisper in the leaves. The house is quiet and I can take a deep breath.
I look out over the liquid blue of the lake and I fantasize about my desk at work. My newly re-potted plant with the pretty blue ceramic pot on a tray that is too big, but that I will fill with beach stones. I imagine the pink ceramic jar that holds the oil that smells like Valencia oranges, and how it has a lovely relief pattern that reminds me of octopus tentacles, but not in a creepy way - more of a life-is-a-circle-that-never-ends way, and my jar of beach glass.
I think about how tomorrow I will have freshly shaved legs, clean hair, nice make-up, clothes that fit and don't make me look like a before. At work I will be productive. Check things off my list. Talk to adults who make their own lunches. Have a chai first thing in the morning. On Monday I will return to a neat, relatively tidy world populated by mostly rational people. And then I laugh at myself, because I also know that as much as I love work, love the problem solving, the creative energy, the shared humor and the desk that is mine alone, I will also spend my day thinking often of my kids and anticipating their sweet hugs, sweaty, baby-fatted hands in mine, their breathless stories of the day's adventures.
I know I'm not alone with this weekend craziness. I know other mothers are having this too. Personally, I think it's the adjustment into the rhythm of summer and the change in structure. My kids anticipate summer eagerly, but also mourn the loss of their school routine and teachers they love. They are settling into new daycare routines, different sleep schedules. And I am too.
Some days, especially in summer, I wish that I worked less. Or maybe I wish I didn't work at all. But this week... this week I am just feeling Thank God It's Monday.
I hear ya! I only have one kid now, and feel like this quite often. The thing is, since I'm not working now, it's much more of a struggle to not 'know' the next time my legs will be shaved, all done-up, and around rational people will be! You have motivated me to I'm make a hair appt today and set a date to start my regular work-out regiment!
And, after reading my comment back, it is glaringly apparent that I can also no longer type a coherent sentence!! ; )
Just wanted to say I read all your blog posts (even if I don't always comment), and I find your honesty about life and motherhood so refreshing. It gets to the core of what most mothers think and feel during the day, but too many of them are simply afraid to say it because our culture loves to "mommy guilt."
Hannah, that's the kind of sentence that comes out of my mouth on a daily basis LOL! Goes with the brain-overload territory, I think.
Hailey, thanks for the nice comment and thanks even more for reading. I agree about the mommy guilt thing. The sad part is that it's more often one mom to another. We should be lifting each other up because none of us are perfect. So here's to just being whatever kind of mom you are. No guilt required!
This is too funny, because I posted recently about how much I hate Mondays! It's all in our perspective, isn't it?
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