What I also love about this concept is that the things one knows are constantly evolving and are almost always the result of growth. I truly believe that there is something to learn from even the most random or awful things that happen to us, and if you're not afraid to do a little mental exploring you'll learn a lot.
Here are a few things I know for sure.
• People just are who they are. Even people who are important in your life aren't always your favorite people, so you just have to learn to enjoy the good and walk away from the bad.
• I will never learn to like broccoli.
• My kids know I make mistakes and they don't care. They love me anyway. I hope this is because they know I feel the same way about them.
• Hugging your parents makes them - and you - feel good.
• People falling down will always be funny. Why do you think America's Funniest Home Videos is still on TV after more than 20 years?
• No matter how fascinating the show is on the History Channel I cannot stay awake.
• Knickers were a bad trend and I have the pictures to prove it.
• Some people will never catch on to the idea of using their turn signal, no matter how loudly I honk at them.
• Exercise is really good for you and if I did it more I would feel a lot more relaxed/in control/able to wear any T-shirt I like.
• I will not get up at 5 am to accommodate said exercise.
• Even though it's always worth the effort, yard work is still torture.
• No matter what else happens in life, waking up like this is pretty darn good:

1 comment:
Know this for sure, I will always cherish you! You are a fantastic part of my life even if we only have a few moments when our worlds slow down enough to collide. I love you!
And, there is no better way to wake up!
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