Monday, December 15, 2008

Just say No to clutter!

How's your Christmas shopping going?

Mine is not going too hot, but I have big plans to get done by Thursday of this week. It's hard to avoid buying toys for the various kids in my life, but for adults and older kids I really try to give gifts that are not clutter. This isn't always easy, especially when you don't like to give gift cards (which I don't). I only have a couple of good ideas, but in case you only need a couple of good ideas here they are.

1. Give food. Everyone loves food and it doesn't have to be homemade. Food is especially good for older people who don't always have a lot of space, but pretty much always have a lot of STUFF.

2. Teach people how to make food. A gift subscription to an online recipe newsletter like The Scramble is truly the gift that keeps on giving. The recipes are good, easy and quick, which is especially important when you work outside the home.

3. Give books. Okay, books are technically clutter. But they can be shared. And when you're a reader (like me) who doesn't really like to spend the money on buying a book it's a wonderful gift. Books give us a shared experience and can be totally life changing. Not to mention funny.

One of the perks of owning your own business is setting your own vacation schedule. That means I've got two weeks off for Christmas so you might not hear too much from me.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At the moment- I am clutter central! Yonathan walked into the living room yesterday, looked at the piles on the dining table and asked if we were having a garage sale. : )'s the holidays.