Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes... and grandpas.

My Dad and step-mom watched our girls part of the time that Chad and I were in Hawaii. It's great for The Toads (our family nickname for the 'rents) because they get some super quality time with the chickens (my nickname for my girls), and it's great for the chickens because they get to stay up way too late and eat ice cream every night. Also, you get to hear some really funny stories when you get back. Like this one, for example...

My Dad and Grace were hanging out in the living room with the TV on in the background when it dawns on my Dad that CSI is on. (So I know we're already up past bedtime.) The CSI gang is making an arrest. In a strip club.

Grace: "What kind of restaurant IS this?"

Dad: "Well, they go swimming after they eat."

Grace: "Oh. That must be why they all have their bathing suits on."

Good save, Dad.

1 comment:

Corie said...

nice. that's what grandpas are for.