Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Welcome to the world, Josh.

We have a new member of our extended family:

Joshua was born in Seattle today. He's 19 inches long, 7 pounds, 9 ounces and his mother labored 24 hours to get him here. His grandpa Harry has been waiting virtually his entire adult life for his time as a parent to result in the big payoff - grandchildren. Congratulations Harry - your day has come!

Josh's parents, Matt and Beth, are truly lovely people and Josh is blessed to be born into a large and loving extended family who have been anxiously awaiting his arrival. What a gift to be unconditionally loved even before you are born. And you are loved Josh, you are truly, fully and unconditionally loved.

Welcome to the family.

1 comment:

Corie said...

Welcome little Josh! Good luck keeping up with your big cousins! But I'm sure they'll teach you a trick or two when the time is right.