Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A little bit of help here?

Sunday night Annie woke up screaming - SCREAMING - at 3 in the morning. She had a fever and was hitting me on the arm, sweaty and inconsolable. After a frantic phone call to her grandpa (who is also, thank-my-lucky-stars, her doctor) and a feeding, as well as a hit of Tylenol, she was semi-asleep. She fussed on and off so much that I eventually put her in bed with me, breaking my long-standing rule against letting my kids sleep with me. But a girl's gotta get some rest and this was the only way.

Nestled against her hot little body I apparently slept well enough to have this dream:

I'm in a corporate office that's not a corporate office. It's more like the living and dining room of a mid-century ranch house and all the executives are circled around the dining room table/conference room table having a meeting. There's a phone booth against the wall where the two rooms meet. I'm feeding Anne, but then she pukes all over me.

I go to the phone booth and it turns out it's a shower, so I lean in and start rinsing my arm and brushing off my hands and clothes. I keep glancing over at the table. Everyone there is dressed like it's the 80s, like a scene from that movie where Diane Keaton inherits a baby and doesn't know what to do with her so she moves to Vermont and makes gourmet applesauce.

The next thing I know, my hair is getting soaked and - wait! - I'm naked! Only the meeting is still going on. Grace is in the corner trying to comfort Anne, who's not happy at all. And I'm NAKED! But still the meeting toddles on, while I try to keep my back to the group. (As though seeing only my butt somehow makes my nakedness less embarrassing.) Finally the meeting ends and I am able to get out of the shower, like I had been trapped in there somehow. And then I'm wrapped in a towel and a smarmy, blonde woman with a Mary Tyler Moore hairdo comes over to ask me some dumb question about business stuff.

And this is where it gets good....

The next thing I know, I've grabbed her by the hair, a handful of blonde flip curl in each fist, and I'm shaking her, yelling, "YOU ARE NOT HELPING ME!!!"

Then I woke up.

So there's a glimpse into my psyche.

P.S. Turns out Anne had an ear infection.

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