Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You can do maaagic....

My good friend Hannah is a first-time mother (and one of, like, 3 people who read this blog so I hope you don't mind that I'm talking about you). Her new daughter was born on my oldest daughter's birthday, which makes it easy for me to remember and also is pretty cool. Avery is bright-eyed with wild hair and a look of total happiness on her face. I'm sure this baby must cry, but no one ever takes pictures of that part, so from my point of view she is the happiest baby on earth.

Hannah is awash in new-mother joy and tiredness, but mostly joy I think. She wrote a blog post recently about how she hopes she can create the magic for Avery that her parents created for her growing up. I know what she means. Making magic is the best part of being a parent. Playing Santa and watching your kids faces light up as they come downstairs in the pre-dawn, twinkly-tree light to discover a plate full of cookie crumbs on the hearth. Slipping your hand under their crinkly pillow to spirit away a tiny tooth and replace it with a gold dollar or two. Deep discussions about how Ariel lives at Disney World but still visits her sisters and King Triton in the ocean. It's magic of the very best kind because when you create it for them you're living it yourself.

But I'll tell you something. I'm on baby #3 and I'm wishing for another kind of magic. For example:

- I'd like to make my childrens' voices magically disappear when they begin to whine.
- I'd like their lunches to magically be made and sitting by the door when I get up in the morning. It's the easiest job I do and I freaking hate it.

- I'd like to magically remove every Littlest Pet Shop bobble-head freak animal, Barbie, Hannah Montana doll, and Dora-with-baby-twins-in-a-snuggli doll from its packaging on Christmas Eve without having to get out a pair of pliers and a band saw.

- I'd like my children to magically learn to love fruit, vegetables and my cooking. Before age 35.

- I'd like to magically be able to sleep 9 hours a night without having to go to bed at 8:30 pm to do it.
- I'd like Mary Poppins to magically land on my doorstep and not only be my nanny for the next three years but to do it for free.

That last one is definitely NOT going to happen.

But you can always dream.

P.S. I've been away a long time. I've been kinda busy. But I miss writing so I'll try to do a little more and thanks for reading. All 3 of you.


Corie said...

Awww... I miss you & your writings too. Although, I'm also too busy and/or tired to do my own as well. I feel like everyday is whizzing by. Is this what your 30s are supposed to be like? My 20s seemed to linger and 40 is around the corner. My brain hurts.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! I miss you too! I'm actually sad that Easter is coming up and Avery is too little to know that that Easter Bunny came. Even so- I'm hunting for the perfect pair of ears and tail for of those "only good for one picture" outfits. : )

I need more sweet Annie stories!!

Unknown said...

P.S. I think we need to get you a new blog header. The pic is missing a very special pair of teeny feet!

Kt Shanny said...

Ha, I've got some magic wishes of my own . . . clean house, money in the bank, etc. Same wishes the four of us have!

Miss you Heather!

Hannah, I don't know you but I am so happy for you!

Diane said...

I want all of those magical things too Heather!!