Friday, September 11, 2009

I think he's serious.

I'm sitting on the couch in the little conference room at the Ronald McDonald room. It has glass pocket doors that block out sound and give me the illusion of privacy, even though anyone walking by really could get a good look at my monstrous girls if they wanted to.

Chad is checking phone messages and getting me a drink of water, because I always find myself suddenly and terrifically thirsty while pumping.

He clicks off his bluetooth thingy and turns to face me. My shirt is pulled up, my industrial bra is unclipped and pulled down, and I'm hooked to my electric double pump like a Holstein. And he says, "You look so incredibly sexy right now. I'm sorry, I just can't help it. You do."


Unknown said...

LOL!! I love it!!!

Ktmac said...

God love the husbands cause they really do mean it . . . of course, I don't understand it. But they do mean it!

Corie said...

you crack me up! men can be so weird, yet endearing, that way! ;-) hang in there!

Jen Heath said...

You've gotta love comments like this. They're especially hilarious when you're feeling like Elsie with the "dualies" hooked up to the pump. lmao