Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 2

My sister says that it takes three weeks to get used to a new schedule, specifically, the schedule that involves me getting up at 5:30 am.

It's week two and I think I'm making progress. The hard part is being disciplined about going to bed on time. I mean, on the one hand the kids are going to bed early now that school has started, so I have a little more free time in the evening. On the other hand, I have to go to bed earlier too, so the free time has not really changed relative to the kids' bedtime.

Darn it.

The good news is that Grace loves school. And I have a whole new insight into one of the reasons I love work. It's the structure. I like knowing I have a place to get up and go each morning, that there are people depending on me to get their stuff done. I like having a reason to wear shoes that aren't flip flops (at least from October to April, that is). I can tell that Grace likes this too. Today it's art class, tomorrow it's PE, computer/library time and guidance. Whatever that is.

Now if I could just get used to that early wake up call.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll get onto it supermom. Week three is almost over. You'll have to let me know if the three-week phase is true. Hope all is going well. I'm in Austin visiting Starr and her new pretty baby. Take care and say hi to the girls for me. They are so dang cute..