Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's summer. Now what?

During the school year being a working mom is pretty easy. Sure, you have to attend some holiday parties and book fairs, but overall the schedule is pretty good. Drop the kids off in the morning, go to work, pick them up at daycare at the end of the day. They're busy. You're busy. Everyone has a routine.

Only now it's summer.

No schedule, for the kids anyway. Late bedtimes thanks to the sun setting at frigging 9:30. And my kids can't understand why I'm not on summer vacation too.

I used to have a friend who spent part of her childhood in California and went to school year-round. She totally dug it. I'll bet her parents did too. Instead of three months of "how in the heck am I going to keep these kids from getting bored out of their minds" they got a nice long vacation every few months, and then they got right back onto the schedule.

I'm not sure why we're still living our lives according to a turn-of-the-century agrarian calendar where the kids have to quit school at planting time and can't come back until the harvest is in. I mean, I LOVE summer. But I still have to work.

We're thinking about day camp. Of course, since I work, getting Grace to day camp, then from day camp to daycare is somewhat a logistical challenge. I'll let you know how it goes.

P.S. Thanks for reading girls. I've been doing a bad job keeping up with my posts, even though I have plenty to write about. But my PC at home is fixed now, so you should be hearing more. At least, that's my plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah to be young again! I clearly remember the feeling of the last days of school..the feeling of carefree summers that seemed to never end... and now YEARS later, here I am, and all I can think is, "now I know how my mom felt!" ;p NOW it's MY turn to "entertain" my kids for 2 1/2mths! Rachel brought home a "goodbye" letter from school and at the bottom was a note about the first day of school and when it'd be... I had to laugh and think about how MANY moms rushed home to mark that on the calendar?! LOL Good Luck to ya this summer! =) I'll be thinking of you!